Schemes & Offers
Our Umbrella of Services
Gap free children’s dental care with the child dental benefit scheme

It is a medicare initiative wherein eligible children between the ages of 2-17 years can have access to basic dental services. We bulk bill for all items under this scheme and you will not need to pay any out of pocket costs for these services as long as you have enough funds available under the benefit cap. Eligible children can access upto $1000 over two consecutive years for the above services. If you are unsure of your child’s eligibility call us on 02 96766036 .We can check for you.

Veteran Affairs
We provide general dental services for Veteran Affairs patients having DVA Gold card.A Gold card DVA holder is entitled to DVA funding for dental treatment irrespective of whether they are related to war service or not.More details can be found on the DVA fact sheet.

NSW Health Vouchers
We cater to patients having an emergency health voucher issued by the NSW govt in our clinic and the good news is that there is no out of pocket expense for the procedure .Patients only need to get their voucher and medicare card along with them .Once the procedure is done they will need to sign a form and leave the voucher with us..
Insurance & Billing
Health fund claims through HICAPS:
We have the HICAPS electronic claiming system in order for you to make your private health insurance claims instantly.HICAPS provides you with efficient and easy payment processing from your private health fund by allowing you to claim automatically at our practice. So if you have private dental health insurance, do not forget to bring your health insurance card along with you so we could claim on the spot for your treatment.All health funds are welcome.Payment plans are also available so please feel at ease and talk to us to help fulfill your dental care needs.