Our Services
We do Braces for Good Health
Tooth Coloured Fillings
Crystal dental care provides only tooth coloured fillings.They are amongst the most conservative restorations in dentistry and are available in numerous shades to match the shade of the prepared tooth.They also require less drilling than for silver fillings resulting in relatively fewer dental problems in the future.Tooth coloured fillings are more stronger, conservative and more natural looking.Cavities don’t take long to spread and are best treated when small. On the day of your exam and clean if we spot a cavity we may be able to fill it on the same day. However, larger decay could take longer to repair and would need another longer appointment to be scheduled.
If you experience any of the symptoms like a sharp pain in any tooth/teeth , or pain while chewing or a discoloured tooth surface let the dentist know straight away. The earlier we get to diagnose the decay the sooner we can repair it and the more conservative it will be. Decay left undiagnosed too long could spread to the dental nerves or adjacent teeth and could require longer and expensive treatments
Orthodontic treatment is a process of moving misaligned teeth to a desirable position in order to improve chewing and biting function and also improve appearance. if you’d like to align your teeth, we have various options for you. We offer orthodontic treatment for young children, teenagers and adults.
Braces help straighten malaligned teeth and help the chewing muscles and jaw to grow resulting in a good bite. Your profile and smile both will be enhanced and your teeth will stay healthier.
Our approach for orthodontics focuses on the entire face along with the teeth.It helps encourages your facial bones to build a healthy airway, better jaw function and align the teeth all at the same time.We use a fixed guidance growth appliance which makes it possible to straighten teeth reducing chances of sleep apnoe or TMJ pain later on in life.
The first stage is where the The Fixed Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance (FAGGA) is placed to fit on the roof of the mouth in order to provide space for the tongue to comfortably rest. to fit on the roof of the mouth. It then gently applies pressure to the teeth and the bones to help stimulate the upper jaw to grow. It helps to three dimensionally develop and remould the upper jaw over a period of time to enhance function and form. This opens up the airway and improves the facial features, as well as opens up the airway.
The second stage involves placing the Controlled Arch Braces on both the upper and lower teeth.In this phase the spaces formed in the teeth during the first phase would be corrected by straightening the teeth and moving the posterior teeth forward. The Controlled arch orthodontic treatment simply by assists and reminds the body of the natural genetic intention of your facial development and rarely requires pulling out any teeth.An FRLA(Fixed Removable Lingual Arch) appliance would also be placed on the top jaw to maintain width and provide stability.
The FRLA is an appliance fixed around the first molars of the lower jaw. It helps to widen the arch by acting as an anchor for the molars and also also widens the arch for the tongue to have more room.The appliance is put in the mouth and composite pads are temporarily bonded to the lower molars. This allows the jaw to move freely as it remodels and also helps open up the bite.The FRLA appliance will remain in the mouth along with the braces for approximately 13-15 months.This is so for you to have a healthy and balanced face and a beautiful smile.Have a chat with us today