
New Patients

We Take Care of You

Our friendly staff and crystal dental care will welcome you and ensure that you are comfortable during your appointment.

What do I  expect during my appointment?

Pain relief is our greatest  priority. During your appointment, we will be able to discuss with you any concerns that  you have regarding  your gums ,  teeth, gums or oral health.

The appointment usually involves 3 steps:

Comprehensive Oral Exam

After you are comfortable in the chair we  begin a comprehensive examination in order for us to  to assess the present condition of your teeth and gums. If necessary digital x-rays will taken . Intra-oral photos (photos of inside your mouth) will be taken  to recognise any areas of concern.

Scaling and cleaning of your teeth

After having a thorough  assessment of  the condition of your gums and teeth, a scale and clean is carried out  to get rid of tartar and  plaque from your  teeth. A topical fluoride foam is applied to protect the teeth against plaque.A good daily oral care routine will be discussed with you. Your current oral condition, cleaning and brushing techniques in order for you to improve your oral health.

Designing Your Treatment Plan

Your dentist will  address any needs or concerns you have. You will be provided  a treatment plan that takes into consideration your requirements and time constraints and financial abilities.

Book Appointment

While every appointment varies from person to person, here is an overview of what you would  expect at your first appointment. In general  new patients will need  to fill out a patient registration form

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